​​Solar Consultation

Going solar is a no-brainer for most people. However, it isn’t for everyone. 

The initial solar consultation is our opportunity to get to know each other, what your current situation is and what your energy goals are, and then give you the best recommendations going forward - even if that means sticking with your current utility. And unlike most solar companies, we will never need to come into your home. Our energy consultants are here for your convenience and can handle the entire solar consultation virtually.

While it is our mission to make solar a reality for as many people as possible, there are a few barriers to be aware of that we sometimes encounter along the way:

1. Not everyone’s credit profile qualifies for solar. While we can work with most people, bad credit can hinder your ability to qualify for solar. We work hard to make solar happen for everyone we meet, and if it doesn’t we can guide you on credit repair options and next steps if credit happens to be a barrier for you right now.

2. Not everyone’s home qualifies for solar. We may not be able to get enough panels on your roof to offset your current electrical needs from the utility. Shading limitations, roof size restrictions, and the type of roof you have are just a few things we will explore during your consultation. Fortunately, we can often solve many roof type or shading limitations right out of the gate.

3. You might not save money. Let’s be honest, you’re probably not going to go solar if you have to spend more money over the long term, no matter how much better solar is for the environment. Not saving money by going solar is highly uncommon, but we will be the first ones to tell you if you can’t. We start by analyzing your current utility bills (and usage) against what it would cost for you to go solar.

4. The utility might not accept your solar application. This sometimes happens due to a utility’s grid restraints, for example, and is dependent on where you live. If your local utility doesn’t accept your application, then going solar may not be an option for you in the immediate term. 

No matter what your situation is, we will work with you to ensure you’re making the right decision for you and your family. At the end of the day, SOLAR WISE makes going solar easy and cost effective for the vast majority of our prospects. And lucky for you, we make it easy to get up front, ballpark pricing before we even get introduced.

We’re excited to help you make the smart switch to solar, start owning your own power, and saving money from day one.

Is Solar Right for You?